Zhengsheng’s Story


Zhengsheng Pan

College/ School:

Medical School

Job title:

Technician for Early Years and BMedSci, Medical School

Brief description of role:

Zhen supports the foundation medical year, and the first 3 years of the medical degree. With the medical school not yet being built, Zhens role involves lots of tasks such as storage and preparation for the building of the medical school, but this role will grow and change as the course starts. She communicates with the University of Nottingham to deliver the content in practicals.

How long at Institution:

Zhen has been at the University since 2017, and has been in her current role since the end of 2019.

Journey to role:

Before her current role Zhen was a technician in the School of Life Science in microbiology supporting the master’s course. In this role she supported practicals and over summer in student projects. Zhen was previously a post doc at Imperial College in London looking at bacterial stress response

Things to love about the role/ work:

Zhen loves science, so having a role related to that is a bonus. She also enjoys supporting students, and sharing knowledge in their projects. She is excited for her role in the Medical School for the chance to learn new things and experience new technology.

Advice to other technicians:

Be patient. Try to think from the student point of view.

Interests outside work:

Painting, music, gardening and travelling.